Sunday 17 August 2014 |
17:00 |
Dorms (Anacapa etc.) | Crypto | Registration in Anacapa Formal Lounge. Actually open until 20:00.
17:00 |
17:30 |
Dorms (Anacapa etc.) | Crypto | Reception dinner in Anacapa/Santa Cruz Ocean Lawn, just outside Anacapa Formal Lounge.
17:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Dinner, if you signed up for it as part of a housing package. The Anacapa reception has more than enough food, and everyone will be there instead.
17:30 |
19:15 |
19:15 |
21:30 |
21:30 |
21:30 |
Monday 18 August 2014 |
07:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Breakfast. Actually open 07:00 to 09:00, according to the UCSB Housing web pages.
07:30 |
08:45 |
08:45 |
08:50 |
Opening remarks
08:50 |
09:00 |
Bellare/Paterson/Rogaway "Security of Symmetric Encryption against Mass Surveillance"
09:00 |
09:20 |
Dai/Lee/Mennink/Steinberger "The Security of Multiple Encryption in the Ideal Cipher Model"
09:20 |
09:40 |
Chen/Lampe/Lee/Seurein/Steinberger "Minimizing the Two-Round Even-Mansour Cipher"
09:40 |
10:00 |
Albrecht/Driessen/Kavun/Leander/Paar/Yalcin "Block Ciphers - Focus On The Linear Layer (feat. PRIDE)"
10:00 |
10:20 |
Abdalla/Benhamouda/Passelègue/Paterson "Related Key Security for Pseudorandom Functions Beyond the Linear Barrier"
10:20 |
10:40 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Coffee break. In the sun outside the lecture building. Coffee, reasonable tea, typically some fruits.
10:40 |
11:10 |
11:10 |
Barthe/Fagerholm/Fiore/Mitchell/Scedrov/Schmidt: "Automated Analysis of Cryptographic Assumptions in Generic Group Models"
11:10 |
11:30 |
Invited talk: Bellare: "Caught in between Theory and Practice"
11:30 |
11:30 |
12:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Lunch. Actually open 11:30 to 13:45.
12:30 |
13:45 |
13:45 |
14:00 |
Gazi/Pietrzak/Rybár: "The Exact PRF-Security of NMAC and HMAC"
14:00 |
14:20 |
Guo/Peyrin/Sasaki/Wang: "Updates on Generic Attacks against HMAC and NMAC"
14:20 |
14:40 |
Dinur/Leurent: "Improved Generic Attacks Against Hash-based MACs and HAIFA"
14:40 |
15:00 |
Bellare/Hoang/Keelveedhi: "Cryptography from Compression Functions: The UCE Bridge to the ROM"
15:00 |
15:20 |
15:20 |
Brzuska/Farshim/Mittelbach: "Indistinguishability Obfuscation and UCEs: The Case of Computationally Unpredictable Sources"
15:20 |
15:40 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Coffee break
15:40 |
15:40 |
16:10 |
16:10 |
Boneh/Waters/Zhandry: "Low Overhead Broadcast Encryption from Multilinear Maps"
16:10 |
16:30 |
Lee/Seo: "Security Analysis of Multilinear Maps over the Integers"
16:30 |
16:50 |
Abe/Groth/Ohkubo/Tango: "Converting Cryptographic Schemes from Symmetric to Asymmetric Bilinear Groups"
16:50 |
17:10 |
Herold/Hesse/Hofheinz/Salvador: "Polynomial Spaces: A New Framework for Composite-to-Prime-Order Transformations"
17:10 |
17:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Dinner, if you signed up for it as part of a housing package. The Anacapa dinner has more than enough food, and everyone will be there instead.
17:30 |
19:00 |
Dorms (Anacapa etc.) | Crypto | Dinner in Anacapa/Santa Cruz Ocean Lawn
19:00 |
19:15 |
19:15 |
21:00 |
21:00 |
21:00 |
Tuesday 19 August 2014 |
07:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Breakfast. Actually open 07:00 to 09:00.
07:30 |
08:45 |
08:45 |
09:00 |
Lenstra/Silverberg: "Revisiting the Gentry-Szydlo Algorithm"
09:00 |
09:20 |
Alperin-Sheriff/Peikert: "Faster Bootstrapping with Polynomial Error"
09:20 |
09:40 |
Ling/Phan/Stehlé/Steinfeld: "Hardness of k-LWE and Applications in Traitor Tracing"
09:40 |
10:00 |
Ducas/Micciancio: "Improved Short Lattice Signatures in the Standard Model"
10:00 |
10:20 |
Banerjee/Peikert: "New and Improved Key-Homomorphic Pseudorandom Functions"
10:20 |
10:40 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Coffee break
10:40 |
10:40 |
11:10 |
11:10 |
Catalano/Fiore/Warinschi: "Homomorphic Signatures with Efficient Verification for Polynomial Functions"
11:10 |
11:30 |
Abe/Groth/Ohkubo/Tibouchi: "Structure-Preserving Signatures from Type II Pairings"
11:30 |
11:50 |
Blazy/Kiltz/Pan: "(Hierarchical) Identity-Based Encryption from Affine Message Authentication"
11:50 |
12:10 |
Gentry/Lewko/Waters: "Witness Encryption from Instance Independent Assumptions"
12:10 |
12:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Lunch. Actually open 11:30 to 13:45.
12:30 |
12:30 |
13:45 |
13:45 |
14:00 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Genkin/Shamir/Tromer: "RSA Key Extraction via Low-Bandwidth Acoustic Cryptanalysis"
14:00 |
14:20 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Austrin/Chung/Mahmoody/Pass/Seth: "On the Impossibility of Cryptography with Tamperable Randomness"
14:20 |
14:40 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Boneh/Zhandry: "Multiparty Key Exchange, Efficient Traitor Tracing, and More from Indistinguishability Obfuscation"
14:40 |
15:00 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Pass/Seth/Telang: "Indistinguishability Obfuscation from Semantically-Secure Multi-linear Encodings"
15:00 |
15:20 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Garg/Gentry/Halevi/Wichs: "On the Implausibility of Differing-Inputs Obfuscation and Extractable Witness Encryption with Auxiliary Input"
15:20 |
15:40 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Coffee break
15:40 |
15:40 |
16:10 |
16:10 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Ostrovsky/Paskin-Cherniavsky/Paskin-Cherniavsky: "Maliciously Circuit-private FHE"
16:10 |
16:30 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Halevi/Shoup: "Algorithms in HElib"
16:30 |
16:50 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Unruh: "Quantum position verification in the random oracle model"
16:50 |
17:10 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Liu: "Single-shot security for one-time memories in the isolated qubits model"
17:10 |
17:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Dinner, if you signed up for it as part of a housing package. The rump session will have enough food, and everyone will be there instead.
17:30 |
18:00 |
Rump session
18:00 |
19:15 |
19:15 |
23:00 |
23:00 |
23:00 |
Wednesday 20 August 2014 |
07:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Breakfast. Actually open 07:00 to 09:00.
07:30 |
08:45 |
08:45 |
09:00 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Yevgeniy Dodis/Shamir/Stephens-Davidowitz/Wichs: "How to Eat Your Entropy and Have it Too – Optimal Recovery Strategies for Compromised RNGs"
09:00 |
09:20 |
09:20 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Papakonstantinou/Yang: "Cryptography with Streaming Algorithms"
09:20 |
09:40 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Bitansky/Canetti/Cohn/Goldwasser/Kalai/Paneth/Rosen: "Impossibility of Obfuscation with Auxiliary Input or a Universal Simulator"
09:40 |
10:00 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Yamakawa/Yamada/Hanaoka/Kunihiro: "Self-bilinear Map on Unknown Order Groups from Indistinguishability Obfuscation and Its Applications"
10:00 |
10:20 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Bitansky/Canetti/Kalai/Paneth: "On Virtual Grey Box Obfuscation for General Circuits"
10:20 |
10:40 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Coffee break
10:40 |
10:40 |
11:10 |
11:10 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Granger/Kleinjung/Zumbragel: "Breaking `128-bit Secure' Supersingular Binary Curves (or how to solve discrete logarithms in $\F_{2^{4 \cdot 1223}}$ and $\F_{2^{12 \cdot 367}}$)"
11:10 |
11:30 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Invited talk: Kalai: "How to Delegate Computations: The Power of No-Signalling Proofs"
11:30 |
12:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Lunch. Actually open 11:30 to 13:45.
12:30 |
12:30 |
13:45 |
13:45 |
14:00 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Bitansky/Dachman-Soled/Lin: "Leakage-Tolerant Computation with Input-Independent Preprocessing"
14:00 |
14:20 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Ananth/Goyal/Pandey: "Interactive Proofs under Continual Memory Leakage"
14:20 |
14:40 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Aggarwal/Dodis/Jafargholi/Miles/Reyzin: "Amplifying Privacy in Privacy Amplification"
14:40 |
15:00 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Data/Prabhakaran/Prabhakaran: "On the Communication Complexity of Secure Computation"
15:00 |
15:20 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Farràs/Hansen/Kaced/Padró: "Optimal Non-Perfect Uniform Secret Sharing Schemes"
15:20 |
15:40 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Coffee break
15:40 |
15:40 |
16:10 |
16:10 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Bhargavan/Fournet/Kohlweiss/Pironti/Strub/Zanella-Béguelin: "Proving the TLS Handshake Secure (as it is)"
16:10 |
16:30 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Camenisch/Lehmann/Lysyanskaya/Neven: "Memento: How to Reconstruct your Secrets from a Single Password in a Hostile Environment"
16:30 |
16:50 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | IACR membership meeting
16:50 |
16:50 |
17:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Dinner, if you signed up for it as part of a housing package. The beach barbecue has more than enough food, and everyone wil be there instead.
17:30 |
17:50 |
17:50 |
18:00 |
Beach barbecue; completed in new record time!
18:00 |
19:15 |
19:15 |
19:30 |
19:30 |
19:45 |
Dorms (Anacapa etc.) | Crypto | Crypto Cafe
19:45 |
22:30 |
22:30 |
22:30 |
Thursday 21 August 2014 |
07:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Breakfast. Actually open 07:00 to 09:00.
07:30 |
08:45 |
08:45 |
09:00 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Ben-Sasson/Chiesa/Tromer/Virza: "Scalable Zero Knowledge via Cycles of Elliptic Curves"
09:00 |
09:20 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Jutla/Roy: "Switching Lemma for Bilinear Tests and Constant-size NIZK Proofs for Linear Subspaces"
09:20 |
09:40 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Fisch/Freund/Naor: "Physical Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Physical Properties"
09:40 |
10:00 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Canetti/Jain/Paneth: "Client-Server Concurrent Zero Knowledge with Constant Rounds and Guaranteed Complexity"
10:00 |
10:20 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Kiyoshima: "Round-Efficient Black-Box Construction of Composable Multi-Party Computation"
10:20 |
10:40 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Coffee break
10:40 |
10:40 |
11:10 |
11:10 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Ishai/Ostrovsky/Zikas: "Secure Multi-Party Computation with Identifiable Abort"
11:10 |
11:30 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Beimel/Gabizon/Ishai/Kushilevitz/Meldgaard/Paskin-Cherniavsky: "Non-Interactive Secure Multiparty Computation"
11:30 |
11:50 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Dachman-Soled/Fleischhacker/Katz/Lysyanskaya/Schröder: "Feasibility and Infeasibility of Secure Computation with Malicious PUFs"
11:50 |
12:10 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Bentov/Kumaresan: "How to Use Bitcoin to Design Fair Protocols"
12:10 |
12:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Lunch. Actually open 11:30 to 13:45.
12:30 |
12:30 |
13:45 |
13:45 |
14:00 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Kolesnikov/Mohassel/Rosulek: "FleXOR: Flexible garbling for XOR gates that beats free-XOR"
14:00 |
14:20 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Huang/Katz/Kolesnikov/Kumaresan/Malozemoff: "Amortizing Garbled Circuits"
14:20 |
14:40 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Lindell/Riva: "Cut-and-Choose Yao-Based Secure Computation in the Online/Offline and Batch Settings"
14:40 |
15:00 |
Campbell Auditorium | Crypto | Choi/Katz/Malozemoff/Zikas: "Efficient Three-Party Computation from Cut-and-Choose"
15:00 |
15:20 |
15:20 |
17:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Dinner, if you signed up for it as part of a housing package.
17:30 |
19:15 |
19:15 |
19:15 |
Friday 22 August 2014 |
07:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Breakfast. Actually open 07:00 to 09:00.
07:30 |
08:45 |
08:45 |
09:00 |
Dodson: Opening remarks
09:00 |
09:10 |
Dworkin: "SHA-3 Standard: Overview, Status, Public Comment" + Perlner: "Uses of XOFs"
09:10 |
09:55 |
Dinur: "Practical Complexity Cube Attacks on Round-Reduced Keccak Sponge Function" + Chang: "1st and 2nd Preimage Attacks on 7, 8 and 9 Rounds of Keccak-224, 256, 384, 512"
09:55 |
10:40 |
Coffee break
10:40 |
11:00 |
Jungk: "Shrinking Keccak Hardware Implementations"
11:00 |
11:25 |
Van Assche: "The Keccak Code Package"
11:25 |
11:50 |
Daemen: "Using the Keccak Technology for Authenticated Encryption: Ketje, Keyak and More" + Gligoroski: "iSHAKE: Incremental Hashing with SHAKE128 and SHAKE256 for the Zettabyte Era"
11:50 |
12:35 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Lunch. Actually open 11:30 to 13:45.
12:35 |
13:50 |
Gueron: "Parallelized Hashing via j-lanes and j-pointers Tree Modes, with Applications to SHA-256" + Kelsey/Fluhrer/Gaj/Gueron/Van Assche: "Panel on Parallelizable Hashing—Overview + Discussion"
13:50 |
15:05 |
Coffee break
15:05 |
15:25 |
Turan: "Special Publication on Authenticated Encryption" + Perlner: "Special Publication on KMAC" + Dworkin "Domain Extensions"
15:25 |
16:15 |
Kelsey: Open discussion
16:15 |
16:55 |
Chen: Closing remarks
16:55 |
17:05 |
17:05 |
17:30 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Dinner
17:30 |
19:15 |
19:15 |
Saturday 23 August 2014 |
07:15 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Breakfast
07:15 |
08:45 |
08:45 |
09:00 |
Iwata: "CAESAR candidate SILC"
[PDF slides]
09:00 |
09:20 |
Trostle: "CAESAR candidate CMCC"
[PDF slides]
09:20 |
09:40 |
Forler: "CAESAR candidate POET"
[PDF slides]
09:40 |
10:00 |
Nandi: "Forging attacks on COBRA and POET"
10:00 |
10:20 |
Coffee break
10:20 |
10:50 |
Penazzi: "CAESAR candidates Silver + AESCPFB"
[PDF slides]
10:50 |
11:10 |
Peyrin: "CAESAR candidate KIASU"
[PDF slides]
11:10 |
11:30 |
Jean: "CAESAR candidates Joltik + DEOXYS"
[PDF slides]
11:30 |
11:50 |
11:50 |
12:00 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Lunch
12:00 |
13:30 |
13:30 |
13:40 |
Bertoni: "CAESAR candidates Keyak + Ketje"
[PDF slides]
13:40 |
14:00 |
Rogawski: "CAESAR candidate ICEPOLE"
[PDF slides]
14:00 |
14:20 |
Mendel: "CAESAR candidate Ascon"
[PDF slides]
14:20 |
14:40 |
Lauridsen: "CAESAR candidate Proest"
[PDF slides]
14:40 |
15:00 |
Mennink: "Beyond 2^(c/2) security in sponge-based AE"
[PDF slides]
15:00 |
15:20 |
Coffee break
15:20 |
15:50 |
Mouha: "CAESAR candidate PRIMATEs"
[PDF slides]
15:50 |
16:10 |
Saha (presented by Nandi): "Misusing misuse-resistance in APE"
[PDF slides]
16:10 |
16:30 |
Nandi: "Insecurity of XLS and forging attack on XLS-based AE"
[PDF slides]
16:30 |
16:50 |
Luykx: "How to securely release unverified plaintext in AE"
[PDF slides]
16:50 |
17:10 |
Rogaway: "CAESAR candidate AEZ"
[PDF slides]
17:10 |
17:30 |
17:30 |
17:45 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Dinner
17:45 |
19:15 |
19:15 |
19:30 |
Informal event in Anacapa lounge
19:30 |
21:30 |
21:30 |
Sunday 24 August 2014 |
07:15 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Breakfast
07:15 |
08:45 |
08:45 |
09:00 |
Lauridsen: "AES-based AE in parallel high-performance software"
[PDF slides]
09:00 |
09:20 |
Abdellatif: "AES-GCM in FPGAs" (cancelled)
09:20 |
09:40 |
Kaps: "Keccak and AES in FPGAs"
[PDF slides]
09:40 |
10:00 |
Gaj: "Benchmarking of cryptographic algorithms in hardware"
[PPT slides]
10:00 |
10:20 |
Coffee break
10:20 |
10:50 |
Matsui: "CAESAR candidate Minalpher"
[PDF slides]
10:50 |
11:10 |
Saarinen: "CAESAR candidate STRIBOB"
[PDF slides]
11:10 |
11:30 |
Gligoroski: "CAESAR candidate PiCipher"
[PDF slides]
11:30 |
11:50 |
11:50 |
12:00 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Lunch
12:00 |
13:30 |
13:30 |
13:40 |
Leurent: "CAESAR candidate SCREAM"
[PDF slides]
13:40 |
14:00 |
Nandi: "CAESAR candidate ELmD"
[PDF slides]
14:00 |
14:20 |
Wu: "CAESAR candidates AEGIS + Jambu"
[AEGIS PDF slides]
[Jambu PDF slides]
14:20 |
14:40 |
Guo: "CAESAR candidate Marble"
[PDF slides]
14:40 |
15:00 |
Krovetz: "CAESAR candidate HS1-SIV"
[PDF slides]
15:00 |
15:20 |
Coffee break
15:20 |
15:50 |
Wu: "CAESAR candidates MORUS + Acorn"
[Morus PDF slides]
[Acorn PDF slides]
15:50 |
16:10 |
Nandi: "CAESAR candidate TriviA"
[PDF slides]
16:10 |
16:30 |
Reyhanitabar: "CAESAR candidate OMD"
[PDF slides]
16:30 |
16:50 |
Leurent: "Cryptanalysis of Wheesht and LAC"
[PDF slides]
16:50 |
17:10 |
Raddum: "Using BDDs in algebraic cryptanalysis"
17:10 |
17:30 |
17:30 |
17:45 |
De La Guerra Dining Commons | Dorm residents | Dinner
17:45 |
19:15 |
19:15 |